SWELS Switch event trace on/off
Creating users, assigning roles, locking and unlocking users, etc
Tasks such as the update of components, the insertion of security updates or monitoring should be further automated. It is recommended to use only one automation tool (SAP Solution Manager or SAP LVM). Custom solutions and scripts should not be used or replaced with standard tools if possible, because otherwise different script languages and script versions will have to be managed, resulting in a lot of maintenance. Standardised SAP scripts are welcome here. A useful definition of thresholds, for example on the basis of historical system behaviour, must also be defined for monitoring.
By establishing a new role concept and building new roles, the SAP basis has the skills necessary to support new tasks and topics as well as to operate new technology and service forms. The relevant roles are listed below.
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A role concept according to best practice protects you from potential attacks within your SAP landscape. However, to protect your system from unauthorized access via the network, the SAP Gateway must be configured correctly. It enables the use of external programs via interfaces or the call of ABAP programs and serves as a technical component of the application server, which manages the communication of all RFC-based functions.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page: www.sap-corner.de.
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Often one is obliged to perform a migration. There are various reasons such as legal requirements or preparatory measures for an S/HANA conversion. We are happy to support you in your decisions.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
Regular verification of role assignment is called recertification.
Since Johannes has access to the SE37 as a developer, it is not a problem to get the necessary access using the function block BAPI_USER_CHANGE - disguised as RFC User.