SM66 Work processes of all instances
SAP Workload Analysis
Using various user, administration and monitoring tools, the SAP Basis system is controlled and managed by an administrator, who is thus responsible for its trouble-free operation. Many companies hand over these tasks to an external service provider.
The CodeProfiler prevents poor-quality code or programs with security vulnerabilities from entering a productive SAP system landscape in the first place. It is therefore important to use the CodeProfiler throughout the entire lifecycle of a software. Already during programming, the CodeProfiler helps the developer to identify and correct errors and vulnerabilities in the SAP landscape. The CodeProfiler automatically ensures that only "clean" code is transported to the next level (development system -> test system -> quality assurance system -> production system). The CodeProfiler can also be used for regular review cycles.
Analysis and elimination of technical problems in the SAP Basis environment under the platforms ORACLE and Windows
Today, most customers rely on an infrastructure abstraction layer, whether it's VMware or one of the cloud hypervisors. So base administrators need to know how to provision and manage systems in the cloud.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
The SAP basis is often perceived as a brake within projects or when introducing new technologies. This is partly due to the late consultation of the SAP basis on the issues of technical feasibility as well as the integration of new technologies and applications into the existing system landscape. By implementing the recommendations, the SAP basis is repositioning itself in parts within the IT organisation. The SAP basis has a clearly defined self-understanding (inward-looking perception) as well as a clear positioning and a defined task area within the IT organisation (outward-facing perception), as shown in Figure 5. By integrating the SAP basis into the development of the IT strategy, the digitisation strategy and a clear communication with the CIO, the SAP basis has the opportunity to deal with technologies and topics at an early stage. As a result, the SAP basis is prepared for requests from business units or other IT departments and has the opportunity to approach them proactively. The SAP basis is supported by an IT service and IT product catalogue, which describes the scope of the SAP basis. For internal communication and communication with external service providers, as well as other suppliers, outsourcing partners or outsourcing partners and cloud service providers, there are up-to-date and meaningful documentation and process descriptions. For the control, measurement and monitoring of external partners, Service Level Agreements and meaningful key figures are also available.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
In total, a transport order may receive important changes that you would have liked to have transported to the production system.
For this reason, various vendors provide solutions to automate the verification of the permission system with regard to critical permissions and segregation of duties using tool support.