SAP Basis SM61 Display control object list - SAP Basis

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SM61 Display control object list
The SAP Patch Manager offers two scenarios for inserting support packages or queues: Test Scenario Use the test scenario to determine whether conflicts or problems occur (e.g., unreleased repairs) or whether a modification match is necessary before the actual insertion. This scenario allows you to estimate and minimise the time and effort required to load support packages. In this scenario, no data is imported into the system, and you can continue to play in the event of an error without the error being corrected. You must select the test scenario explicitly. Note that once the test scenario has passed, the queue is empty and needs to be redefined. You must also explicitly choose the default scenario.

Projects: Your SAP Basis administrator plays a key role in planning and executing system upgrades and migrations. He is also responsible for transport management and tests software updates to ensure they are compatible with the landscape. In addition, he must ensure that they are installed in the correct order.
SCI Code Inspector
The monitoring of SAP systems, for example, is handled by modern AIOPs software, which permanently performs essential checks thanks to regular checks. This allows us to focus on optimizing your SAP systems, not only reactively in the event of an error, but also proactively to avoid possible errors before they occur.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

The freeware Scribble Papers is a "note box" in which all kinds of data can be stored. It takes in typed texts as well as graphics and entire documents. The data is then organised in folders and pages.

The database layer is where all of a company's data is stored. In essence, it consists of a database management system (DBMS for short) and the data itself.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.

At this point you will again have the possibility to perform the approval step you really want to perform.

Since innovations through IoT (Internet of Things) or big data scenarios not only affect the SAP basis, but also highlight products and services for customers of their own company, the role of the SAP basis in relation to these scenarios and services must be clearly defined.
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