SM35 Batch input: session overview
With simple job programming, you can start in clear environments with few dependencies. If the number of jobs and the complexity increases, an automatic job control is a good choice. Honico Batchman is such a solution, a 100% SAP integrated AddOn, which is quickly and easily installed via normal transports. The advantage here is that no additional infrastructure is required; instead, the existing SAP system landscape is used for the entire control and execution without incurring a loss in performance. This also ensures full audit and operational security (compliance). Since pure SAP systems are rather the exception, non-SAP systems can also be controlled and monitored. As a third option, high-end solutions are available that additionally monitor the infrastructure and legacy. Widely used products in this segment are UC4 and Arvato Streamworks. These three solution options differ significantly in terms of price and scope of services. IT departments in companies must therefore evaluate which solution is best suited to their own requirements.
After your user has the necessary permissions for the SQL Editor, perform the following steps: Call the DBACOCKPIT transaction. Open the following folder structure in Database Administration: Performance -> Additional Functions -> SQL Command Editor Enter your first query in the input query. Then click Run or alternatively press F8 View of the DBA Cockpit Invoke the input query and drop the first SQL query View the results of a query to query the users of a system.
Error analysis
All the roles that contain the string "ADM" are considered critical, as they usually refer to administrative roles. When identifying critical SAP permissions, profiles and roles, it should be noted that SAP does propose a concept for names, but this is not always taken into account by applications or its own developments.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:
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In every company with an SAP system, there is someone who is responsible for the SAP Basis. This person ensures the trouble-free operation of the SAP system. He or she accompanies maintenance work and intervenes in special situations, such as poor performance. Even for companies that hand over the operation of Basis to an external service provider, there are often still tasks from the user and authorization management environment at this point.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
This way the users are synchronized once a day.
Based on a client/server architecture, SAP Basis includes configuration, a relational database management system, and a graphical user interface.