Is that all there is to know about SAP Basis?
There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_SKIP_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD: The attributes cannot be read in the OCS file. The file probably cannot be opened for reading because it has been deleted in the meantime, or the permissions at the operating system level are insufficient. CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: The OCS file does not exist in the EPS inbox; presumably it was deleted.
If all tasks considered to be an interface theme are supported by the SAPBasis, this means a very wide range of tasks. Here it is necessary not to overwhelm the own employees within the SAP basis and to keep the complexity of different topics and technologies manageable per capita. Therefore, a corresponding growth is associated with this interface task. This recommendation is general and does not apply only to the SAP basis.
Error minimization & data security
In the context of the SAP basis, the deployment of an SAP application server for any SAP system can be used as an example. Parameters include processor count, memory, disk space, operating system, and run-time environment.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
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In the SAP NetWeaver BI Authorization Concept lesson, the training participant is familiarized with the authorization functions of the SAP Business Information Warehouse. The differences between the authorization concept for ERP systems and the authorization concept for NetWeaver BI are taught.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
Initially no applications/tabs are visible To display the desired tabs for the groups again, switch to users and groups with your administrator account, right-click on the desired group, and select CMC tab configuration.
Here, SAP offers the possibility of logging changes to critical tables through table logging.