These are your tasks as SAP Basis Administrator:
Our SAP Basis experts take care of the operation of your systems every day. They ensure that your SAP systems run smoothly and keep performance at its maximum.
As an SAP Basis administrator, you are faced with the challenge of balancing acute daily business and recurring routine tasks. As the complexity of the systems and the interdependencies tend to increase, the challenges are great and the requirements are growing. Daily and at the same time business-critical routine tasks are SAP job control and regular data backups. Automating these tasks can free up time for the day-to-day business of maintenance, servicing, support and troubleshooting. Clear monitoring and alerting in the event of an error help to maintain operational reliability and meet corporate compliance requirements.
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The SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) is the online correction support (OCS) customer site. The SPAM transaction gives you the ability to easily and efficiently import support packages provided by SAP into your system. Depending on the system used or the configuration of your system, you must insert different types of Support Packages [page 8]. You will receive support packages in SAPNet - Web Frontend, in SAPNet - R/3 Frontend or on Collection CDs. Since SPAM runs within the SAP system, you do not need to know the operating system to handle the transaction. In the language usage of SAP, the term patch has been replaced by the term support package. Note that you can only work with this transaction in SAP GUI for Java and SAP GUI for Windows.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
ITIL stands for The IT Infrastructure Library. ITIL is a summary of "best practices" rules for professional implementation of IT service management. ITIL has established itself as an international standard in the area of IT business processes. The ITIL set of rules describes the processes, the organizational structure and the tools required for IT infrastructure. ITIL is based on the economic added value that IT operations provide for the company. itSMF Deutschland eV has further developed and improved these standards, and at the same time operates a portal for exchanging knowledge and experience.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.
This behaviour is controlled with the abap/heaplimit parameter.
Ten years ago, there wasn't much more for SAP Basis experts than SAP Solution Manager.