SM20 Evaluation of the Security Auditlog
The 5 most common errors in SAP test management In this blog post I would like to discuss the 5 most common errors in SAP test management, which in my experience occur regularly in this area. I hope that with this I can give you some guidance so that you can avoid these mistakes. No test management Quite simple. You have complex SAP software in use or are just introducing a new module tailored to your company, but the test process plays a subordinate role and tests take place only sporadically and unstructured? Then you have already made the first mistake. To ensure high software quality, avoid hidden consequential error costs and consciously plan for a test period instead of the risk of time bottlenecks, a methodical approach should be planned. Too much testing If you have decided to introduce test management, you need to weigh up the resources required for this. A large amount of testing quickly pushes the cost-benefit ratio into the realm of inefficiency, because the time required for testing drives up costs. On the other hand, the test quality should of course be high. Therefore, a structured and comprehensive approach is of high importance. Basically, you should make sure that the costs for the test effort do not exceed the average of the consequential failure costs.
Due to the variety of tasks and the high complexity, I find my job extremely exciting. There are very many constellations of SAP systems and databases. Each installation, migration and update brings new aspects and challenges. It is precisely these challenges that are important to me, so that I can continue to learn and develop professionally on a daily basis.
STMS_IMPORT Import queue
Basically, an excellent IT knowledge is required. In addition, SAP administrators must of course be particularly competent in this area and be able to deal confidently with all issues relating to SAP solutions. Since they often also work in international companies, it is an advantage if they have a very good command of written and spoken English.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page you will find useful information on this topic.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
In the initial screen, you can first use the global settings to specify whether changes should be allowed in general. Furthermore, you can define specifically for the software components and namespaces of the Repository objects whether they can be changed at all, or whether changeability should only be possible to a limited extent.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
A workprocess in private mode is bound to its current user context and will not become free for other tasks until the current request is completed.
All usage data is recorded in detail and automated and, if desired, made available centrally in the SAP Solution Manager.