ABAP Objects
A positive aspect of standardisation and automation is the increase in the quality of tasks, since manual errors can be almost excluded. It also increases the speed at which certain tasks can be performed. This is accompanied by a reduction in the proportion of administrative activity and thus in the proportion of the operation of the system landscape.
The dataowner should be the adm of the target system, which you can change (in the Unix console) with "chown adm K12345.DEV" (respectively R12345.DEV for the data file). To change the access permissions, you can use the command "chmod 664 K12345.DEV". Attach transport jobs in the SAP system Once this has been done, you can attach the transport orders in your SAP system to the import queue. This is done by using the STMS -> Import Overview (F5) to display the import queues. Select the import queue of the target system with a double click. After that, you will receive a pop-up under "Additions"->"More orders"->"Attach", which you can use to attach the transport orders to the import queue. In the pop-up you have to name the exact transport order. The correct name for this is as follows: The first three characters are the file extension of the two files you copied into the transport directory. The last characters consist of the file name of the cofiles file. In our example transport the transport would be called "DEVK12345" (deriving from the cofiles file K12345.DEV) This should now return a positive message from SAP and the transport is attached to the import queue. Now you can import this transport into the system just like any ordinary transport order. Step-by-step Summary Copy Cofiles/data file to transport directory Normally /usr/sap/trans, if not —> AL11 -> DIR_TRANS Customise file owners and permissions chown adm chmod 664 In SAP system: STMS -> Import Overview -> Select Import Queue -> Additions -> Additional Jobs -> Attach Enter Transport Jobs ().
SPAM: Run Modification Synchronisation
In the authorization environment, in addition to assigning authorizations to SAP users, there are a number of important SAP Basis settings that you should check regularly to ensure that your SAP system is fully protected, both internally and externally. For example, particularly in the context of an audit, it is important to ensure that changes to the SAP system always remain traceable. In this blog, I would like to show you how you can best implement this and what to look out for.
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is especially important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a separate professional field. On the page www.sap-corner.de you will find useful information on this topic.
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SAP Basis consultants are experts in consulting. The job of an SAP Basis consultant has many areas of responsibility, such as designing applications, installing support for SAP modules, analyzing and optimizing processes, creating reports, and modeling and extracting data.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.
Change system modifiability As a preparation, you should clarify how long the modifiability should take place in your system.
All attached systems use this data in their user management on demand.