SAP Basis Live online or presence - SAP Basis

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In transaction PFUD (see image above), you can perform the user match manually for all roles (or selected roles). You can choose between the matchup types Profile Matchup, Matchup of Indirect Assignments from Composite Roles, and Matchup HR Organizational Management. According to SAP documentation, the matchups differ as follows: Profile Matchup: "The program compares the currently valid user assignments of the selected single roles with the assignments of the associated generated profiles and makes any necessary adjustments to the profile assignments. Matching indirect assignments from composite roles: User assignments to composite roles result in indirect assignments for the single roles contained in the composite role. This match type matches the indirect assignments of the selected single roles to the user assignments of all composite roles that contain the single roles. If the selection set contains composite roles, the comparison takes place for all single roles contained in it. HR Organizational Management comparison: This comparison type updates the indirect assignments of all selected single and composite roles that are linked to elements of HR Organizational Management. The HR adjustment is inactive and cannot be selected if no active plan version exists or if a global deactivation has been made by setting the Customizing switch HR_ORG_ACTIVE = NO in table PRGN_CUST. Furthermore, the option "Perform cleanup" is interesting, which can be selected independently of the three adjustment types and does not refer to the role selection. The Perform Cleanup function can be used to remove residual data that resulted from incomplete deletion of roles and the associated generated profiles.

With the SPAM transaction, you can always find out about the record status of your system. The SPAM transaction is included in the SAP Upgrade process. SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) (BC-UPG-OCS) SAP AG SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) (BC-UPG-OCS).
Therefore, there can also be critical permissions, profiles, and roles that do not fit in the naming scheme defined by SAP. Manual identification of critical SAP permissions is difficult overall. However, tools are available that automatically check for critical permissions. In this case, the critical SAP permissions are usually predefined by special verification software. If the critical permissions, profiles, and roles are identified, they should be adjusted according to the permission planning. The system will then be checked to see if the desired system behaviour has been achieved or if malfunctions occur. This adjustment process may be complex in the event of major changes and should not be carried out on the production system.

SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:

A note box in which data of all kinds can be quickly filed and retrieved. This is what Scribble Papers promises. At first, the program looks very spartan. But once a small structure is in place, you realise the great flexibility of this little helper.

Another important example is the reading permission for TemSe objects. The temporary files are often forgotten, because it is often not considered that cached (strictly) sensitive data, which is intended for only one user (owner), can be viewed by another user without permission - and across clients. The examples mentioned show us how important it is to carefully assign permissions for client-independent transactions. Download Transaction tables The transactions that enable the examples above, including certain expressions of the associated permission objects and our recommendations for them, can be found in the file "Critical cross-client permissions" for download. Other client-independent transactions are located in the Cross Clients TCODES file. The criticality of these transactions should be assessed according to the context. I recommend always being careful and keeping these transactions in mind.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

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