SAP Basis Implementation of a highly available HANA data solution - SAP Basis

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Implementation of a highly available HANA data solution
Cloud services SAP (SCC, SCI, HCI)
In the last few years, I have been asked time and again what SAP Basis is and what we SAP Basis administrators do in our daily work. With this blog post I would like to provide a little insight into exactly this area of work.

The application layer is the central component of the SAP R/3 system. This layer is therefore also referred to by SAP as the actual basis system. Within the layer there are application servers and a message server.
What is BASIS?
By using a code scanner, it is now possible for every developer to scan for complex security patterns during the extended check of his program, which tell him whether he has built vulnerabilities into his program. These vulnerabilities are detected and can now be addressed in a workflow-driven process. Currently, there are two products that can support customers in the area of scanning their own SAP programs.

Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on

A note box in which data of all kinds can be quickly filed and retrieved. This is what Scribble Papers promises. At first, the program looks very spartan. But once a small structure is in place, you realise the great flexibility of this little helper.

You can call the SPAM transaction in one of the following ways: Select SAP menu Tools Maintenance Patches. Enter the transaction code SPAM. Features The SAP Patch Manager provides the following features: Loading Support Packages: Requested support packages can be loaded into your system from SAPNet - Web Frontend, SAPNet - R/3 Frontend, or Collection CDs. Inserting Support Packages: Resetting When SPAM inserts a support package into your system, a fixed sequence of steps is followed. If the Support Package implementation stops, you can resume processing at a later time. The operation will resume where it was cancelled.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.

Details and a guide to installing the tool can be found here: instguides → SAP NetWeaver → Released 04 → Installation → Cross-NW → Installation Guide Search and Classification TREX.

The criticality of these transactions should be assessed according to the context.
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